Discover and learn effective mind-body therapeutic techniques to reduce your daily stress and go back to a full night’s sleep.

Axelle Fleury Sophrology Stress management Anxiety Sleep problems Brighton & Hove

Hello, my name is Axelle and I am a dedicated mind-body therapist committed to help you learn how to manage your stress and / or anxiety better and go back to a full night’s sleep.

I provide personalised sessions, combining gentle body movements, breathing techniques and tailored positive visualisations which help to reduce anxiety, excessive stress, hyperactivity, negative feelings and to sleep better.

I use Sophrology, which is a new therapeutic method in the UK but is very popular in France. It combines Eastern philosophies (Yoga, Buddhism and Zen) with Psychology to help you develop a positive mindset, focus, and resilience

Axelle Fleury

Mind-Body Therapy

in Brighton & Hove and online

Your journey to a calmer mind starts here.

If you want to try a Sophrology exercise helping with stress and anxiety, watch these 2 short videos. Happy relaxation!

Watch this short video first introducing the exercise and its benefits.

Now it’s time to relax for a few minutes. Just find a comfortable standing up or sitted position in a quiet space.

  • “ I am very grateful to have discovered new techniques which enable me to manage stress more efficiently and to relax to enjoy life more.”


  • “The 1:1 sessions with Axelle were such a gift in bringing a holistic sense of calmness in an ungrounded time for me.
